Custom-made wedding ring holder

Finding the perfect wedding gift
Someonetruly special to you just announced his/her forthcoming wedding.
After the initial joy of the moment, uncertainty sets in: “What am I going to get them for the wedding?” An envelope with money? A special gift? The headache begins…
You let the idea simmer in the back of your mind (translation: you forget all about it until 3 weeks before the big day), only to realise that you have no clue what to offer to the couple.
And you panic and end up Googling “original wedding gift”, because of course you want something really different. But if you look at the search results, you can see that it’s all déjà vu. Cute things, but not enough for the couple you love so much. The headache continues…
One of the search results catches your eye: “25 original gifts for the bride and groom for less than £50! ” from You click straight away. After all, they’re experts on the subject, aren’t they?
That’s it, you’ve found the holy grail of ideas for your original wedding gift:
- engraved champagne glasses;
- a box for your honeymoon;
- an illustration to frame with portraits of the bride and groom;
- engraved wooden key rings;
- Mr and Mrs mugs.
No sooner excited than disappointed. These gifts aren’t bad in themselves, but you want something even more special. Not just a Good Enough gift, but one that will dazzle them, without the ulterior feeling that you haven’t done enough.
This couple, they’re not just acquaintances. They are very dear to you. You’re not looking for the bargain of the month, you’re looking for something that will touch them deeply.
You want THE GIFT, in capital letters.
You end up sick by the time you’ve wasted on the internet and still with no clear idea of what to get them.
Time flies and you really can’t see an alternative to the arch-classic money envelope.
Well, what if you ALREADY had the alternative in your hands?
The secret of a successful wedding gift
Maybe you didn’t realise it, but the bride and groom have unknowingly already given you a valuable clue as to what they like. And it’s precisely this piece of information that you’ll be using to choose your perfect wedding gift.
I’m talking about wedding invitations.
Normally sent around 4 months in advance, you have a real BOMB OF INFORMATION NOT TO BE MISSED: colours, motifs, typography… invaluable information for giving the perfect personalised wedding gift.
Why? Because very often, brides and grooms choose a ‘theme’ for their wedding: natural, minimalist, vegetal, industrial, romantic… each couple chooses the theme that best represents them, and often this includes the wedding invitations.
And you’re going to use it to your advantage, to transform it into a personalised, original and unique creation. But what can it be transformed into? There’s one item that brides and grooms don’t necessarily think about at first: wedding ring holders. Why not give them the perfect wedding ring holder to go with their wedding invitation?
The perfect unexpected and surprising accessory that will leave them breathless.

The wedding ring holders of their lives
This wedding ring holder with 3D leaves for Andrea and Sarah’s wedding in Italy.
Incredibly, we hadn't thought about a wedding ring holder, and now it fits in perfectly with the wedding decor. I love it, it's just perfect! Grazie!

This other wedding ring holder, ordered by the bride’s mum, matches the embroidery lace trim I made for her wedding dress.
The wedding ring holder was just the icing on the cake.

This wedding ring holder is for a couple who had to fight for their future. They chose to match the wedding ring holder to the embroidery on the cuffs of one of the bride and groom’s shirts.
We have this motto "LOVE WINS", and seeing it written on our wedding ring holder was magical.
Alex & Giuseppe

Or how about this soft, romantic dandelion wedding ring holder?
We hadn't thought about this detail. Our son was going to wear the wedding rings on a small cushion, but after receiving this gift... we forgot about the cushion idea. This wedding ring holder is so beautiful!

The Haute Couture made-to-measure wedding ring holder
The VALENTINA wedding ring holder is a real haute couture jewel. Embroidered and assembled entirely by hand, it will be your ally in giving breathtaking wedding gifts.
Now it’s your turn: transform their unique style into an exclusive wedding ring holder, the perfect accessory they’ve never imagined.
An artisanal work of art with traditional know-how that is unique in the world: the french haute couture embroidery.
Order an original creation from your invitations now, and give THE exclusive wedding gift that the bride and groom deserve.
Ready to make the couple's eyes sparkle?